Scoliosis Self-care Program

Scoliosis Self-care Program

The Scoliosis Self-care video collection, when combined with telehealth physical therapy coaching sessions, is designed to break the faulty loading patterns that serve as the foundation for most Scoliosis pain conditions.

Technology has us spending a majority of our day in collapsed posture. Collapsed posture causes faulty loading in the low back and eventually joint misalignment of the lumbar spine vertebrae and/or pelvis. Most low back pain conditions start out as a misalignment in the pelvis that can progress to more complicated medical conditions if not addressed at the source of the problem. Faulty sitting and standing posture are the foundation for most faulty loading patterns in the low back, hips and knees.

Back pain related to scoliosis can be significantly reduced safely from the comforts of home with our medically guided neutral spine based functional conditioning program. Do not perform this workout without medical supervision and after a physical therapy evaluation by a licensed physical therapist in your state qualified to evaluate and treat scoliosis.

This video reviews a safe daily joint clearing routine followed by some core strengthening exercises to help you sit, stand or walk without collapsed posture. Perform it every evening to reduce the amount of tension that builds up in your low back and hips when sleeping.

Visit our Scoliosis Program page to manage your weekly online coaching sessions and to access your workout videos.

Have A Symmetrical Day!
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Scoliosis Self-care Program
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